Tuma x Street Fairy Upcycle August Artist Spotlight
Our monthly spotlights on local creatives in the industry making an impact. Each artist brings something powerful to the scene while pushing the limits of their work.

Tuma, a Burlington-based artist and fashion designer, is building momentum as she designs and sells custom-designed clothing, as well as contributing to fashion events in the local area.
Her passion stems from “always wanting to embrace self-expression” and allowing others to do the same. Through her designs and execution in the fashion industry, she pushes the boundaries of fashion while giving people unique, one-of-a-kind pieces to purchase and show off. Pulling inspiration from existing in the vibrant Burlington community, and living amongst others pushes Tuma to grow as a designer and to continue producing work unlike any other.
Tuma’s clothing brand Street Fairy is how she mostly contributes to the fashion scene with her self-designed pieces that take notes from Y2K grunge, streetwear, and fairy core styles to create truly incredible pieces of clothing. She tells us, this brand is “a really good representation of me and so it kinda comes naturally”. These incredible works are made from upcycled materials from the local community. “There is so much material out there in the world and sustainable fashion is always the way to go”, Tuma states, as fast fashion and sustainability become a larger topic of discussion inside the fashion world.
As Tuma builds Street Fairy into a larger brand she speaks to some challenges along the way with being consistent, staying on top of content creation, and balancing creativity with robust business practices. Being consistent is a difficult challenge given how fast the world moves today, and how brands need to be increasingly relevant to stay afloat and at the forefront of people’s attention. When speaking on consistency, Tuma shares, “We do live in a time where we are consuming so much, and I would like to stay in the loops of consumption”.
“Not even the sky's the limit” for Tuma, with new pieces coming soon and events planned for the near future, Tuma is continuing her success in huge ways.
Check out Tuma’s inspiring brand @streetfairy_upcycle and keep an eye out for her new clothing releases, and her contributions to events coming later this year.